Update - Perry will take part in two soundpainting performances:
Quartier Libre Orchestra
Ogresse, 4 rue des Prairies, 75020
Vendredi 1er octobre, 20h
Trafic dans le OFF de la NUIT BLANCHE
Direction : Beatriz Franco
Soundpainting sur les installations : "Au bord des larmes", de Françoise Anger et "Night Reflections", de Christiane Blanc
Samedi 2 octobre à 22h
Galerie Actuel'Art. 27 rue de la Forge Royale, 75011
M° Faidherbe-Chaligny / Ledru Rollin
Perry is participating in a soundpainting performance April 9, 10 and 11. Wikipedia says soundpainting is a "live composing sign language created by New York composer Walter Thompson for musicians, dancers, actors, poets, and visual artists working in the medium of structured improvisation."
Details on the show are on the Web site of the collective Trafic: http://trafic-co.com/index.php?p=1_12.
We may use soundpainting in a future Est Paris production.